Most of you who have noticed signs of aging on the face – wrinkles, excess skin, loss of facial volume and a tired look have inquired about non- surgical facial rejuvenation with hyaluronic fillers. Despite the numerous information about the benefits of hyaluronic acid and fillers, there are still questions that cause you doubts:
What if I look “puffy” and unnatural? Will my face look worse than before the treatment when the effect of the filler wears off? What if I don’t notice any change?
In order to answer not only these questions, but also introduce you to our way of working that leads to safe and desired results, we will present a case of rejuvenation and correction of facial volume with hyaluronic fillers of our patient Slađana, whose face and skin we have been taking care of for several years.
A good Plan is half the battle won!

Sladjana is 42. years old, harmonious facial features with a well-defined bone structure and a small amount of fat tissue. Recently, she has noticed a loss of fullness, first in the temples and then in the midface – cheekbones and cheeks. It bothered her that the gaunt look on her face made her look older and tired. She wanted to regain her youthful glow and give her face a fuller, more feminine look.
In order to know what to pay attention to and which areas to treat with hyaluronic fillers in order to rejuvenate our patient’s face, we will first have to understand what are the characteristics of a young face and what happens to them during the aging process.
A young face has round contours, pronounced cheekbones and a clearly defined jawline with smooth curves from the cheeks to the edge of the nose, without hollows or shadows. With age, the round contours of the face begin to change. Volume is lost from the center of the face, cheekbones and cheeks become flat, lines and wrinkles appear, and the skin becomes loose and descends below the jawline. The main factors in this are resorption of bone tissue and fat pads, reduction of muscle tissue, weakening of ligaments, and loss of collagen and elastin.
The natural asymmetry of the face, which each of us has to a greater or lesser extent, becomes more and more pronounced with aging and the loss of subcutaneous tissue, causing the face to lose its harmonious proportions, and ultimately its attractiveness.

Based on the examination and analysis of our patient’s face, we corrected the lack of volume in the areas:
- Temple,
- Cheekbone,
- Cheek.
Our goal was not only to restore a youthful and rested look to the face, but also to make it more attractive and beautiful.
7 ml of hyaluronic after…
We started the rejuvenation procedure with the correction of the temples, which we filled with 2 ml of JUVÉDERM hyaluronic filler. We must mention that the temporal area extremely demanding work, full of blood vessels, and its correction must be entrusted to a doctor with skill and experience in its correction.
To fill the cheekbones and cheeks, 5 ml of hyaluronic fillers, of the brand mentioned above, were required. Our patient has an excellent projection of the tip of the cheekbone, and by adding fullness, the cheekbones have become rounder, softer and more feminine.

By adding the volume in parts of the outer and inner cheeks, we corrected their puffy appearance and softened the asymmetry, while taking strict care to avoid overfilling this area, which would lead to a “bloated” and unnatural appearance.

Before and after – treatment results!
By filling in the temples , we got a round, uninterrupted transition line from the forehead to the cheekbones. The correction effect does not stop there! The roundness and volume of the temple area indirectly affects the younger appearance of the area around the eyes as well as raising the outer part of the eyebrow.
Cheeks and cheekbones are not only crucial for the shape and beauty of the face, but with their structure they provide support for the tissues of the lower part of the face. By reducing the volume in this area, wrinkles and depressions are created, and the fall of fat pads leads to the appearance of excess subcutaneous tissue on the jaw and the development of nasolabial and marionette folds.
By shaping the cheekbones and cheeks with hyaluronic fillers, we restore support to the midface, which leads to a slight lifting and tightening of the skin, which reduces wrinkles, hollows and other signs of aging.
As shown in the before and after picture, our goals were largely achieved. Sladjana’s face is more voluminous, with redefined contours, rejuvenated and with a brighter expression that make it more attractive.
You can read in detail about the correction of the temporal area and forehead with hyaluronic fillers here , and about the correction of the cheekbones and cheeks here.
The change is visible, and the natural appearance of the face is preserved!

Price and additional information?
If you have additional questions or want to book an appointment, please call us at 060/345-0304 or write at
About the treatment: