“Please don’t retouch my wrinkles.” It took me so long to earn them” – Ana Magnani.

Life doesn’t stop when we turn 60. In fact, some women claim that these are the best years of their lives! Some continue to work, others retire, travel and have plenty of time to devote to hobbies, favorite activities and finally to themselves. They still feel full of strength and satisfaction, and it is a completely natural desire to look exactly the way they feel inside – younger and shiny. If you are of a similar age, wrinkles and sagging skin may be bothering you for the first time. However, you are primarily concerned about keeping your natural look, and you also don’t want to give up all your wrinkles. Just like Ana Magnani, you want to see with pride in the mirror in them every happiness, sadness, memory, everything that makes your life unique and unrepeatable.
Using the example of our patient, we will show that it is possible to age with dignity with the help of antiaging medicine treatment and at the same time maintain a natural appearance!

How the skin and face age after 60. years?

How we age and what changes occur depends on many internal and external factors, which we wrote about in a separate blog. However, the skin and face in general age faster in women after menopause. Then the production of sex hormones – estrogens completely decreases, the production of collagen and elastin slows down, as well as the regenerative processes responsible for the youthful appearance of the skin. After 60 year, the skin is thinner, drier, loses its elasticity and suppleness. Wrinkles and once barely noticeable lines are now more pronounced, and many people have freckles and hyperpigmentation. Changes caused by aging are not only visible on the skin, but also in the subcutaneous tissue. The fatty tissue that gives fullness and freshness to the face shrinks and changes position, the bones of the skull are resorbed, the muscles become thinner and the ligaments that support them weaken. All this makes the face look old and tired.
Most of the mentioned problems also plagued our patient. In order to make it easier for you to follow the entire process and course of rejuvenation, we will single out the most important changes on her face:

  • loose and inelastic skin,
  • excess skin on the cheeks and in the lower third of the face,
  • loss of facial fullness and loss of facial tone,
  • the appearance of shallower and deeper wrinkles on the face.
Skin and face rejuvenation after 50. years
Loss of subcutaneous tissue and skin aging: 1. Flat cheekbones 2. Hollow cheeks and sagging of the central part of the face 3. Wrinkles around the lips and cheeks 4. Wrinkles on the chin 5. Loss of fullness and excess skin on the chin and lower jawline. Picture before treatment.

Rejuvenation after 60 with non-surgical treatments

After a detailed examination of our patient’s skin and subcutaneous tissue, we designed a treatment plan that will bring the most benefits in her case. Those are:

  • Hyaluronic fillers for compensating volume and lifting the face in the middle and lower part.
  • CO2 laser for improving the quality of the skin, removing small and shallow wrinkles around the lips, eyes and chin.
Hyaluronic fillers

With aging, the triangle of youth, whose base is on the cheekbones and the top on the chin, slowly turns. Cheekbones lose their fullness and become flat, and fatty tissue changes position, falls and accumulates in the lower part of the face. Thus, the lower cheeks and chin become the widest parts of the face, which lengthens and the triangle of youth is lost.

the inverted triangle of youth

In order to restore youthful contours to the face, we first filled the cheekbones and cheeks with hyaluronic fillers. The effect was visible almost at the same moment – the central part of the face was visibly lifted and the smoothness and fullness returned. Then we filled nasolabial and marionette wrinkles, and shaped the chin and lower jaw line. By correcting the lower jaw line, we “concealed” hanging chin pads, one of the most common problems that our patients complain about. after 50 years. Our patient’s face gained fullness and smoothness, and its center of gravity was no longer on the lower part of the face, but rather on the cheekbones and cheeks.
You can read more about treatment with hyaluronic fillers here.


We can do many things with hyaluronic fillers – to restore volume, to fill deep wrinkles, to reshape the contours of the face… However, they are almost completely powerless when it is necessary to improve the quality and texture of the skin, remove spots and fine wrinkles, and tighten it. That is why treatment with lasers , above all with a powerful fractional CO2 laser, is irreplaceable. Due to the loss of subcutaneous tissue, reduced production of elastin and collagen, our patient’s skin has become loose, with “nets” of small wrinkles, especially around the lips and chin.
CO2 laser treatment stimulates the creation of collagen and elastin in the deepest layers of the skin. Newly created molecules of these precious substances that make the skin younger strengthened its structure and strengthened its tone. In addition, the fine interweaving of wrinkles became far less visible and the texture and tone of the skin became even. The hyperpigmentations also disappeared. To the touch, thanks to the CO2 laser, the skin has become tight. The face got a fresh, rested and healthy look.
You can find out more about CO2 laser treatment here.

wrinkles around the lips co2 laser hyaluronan

Wrinkles around the lips and on the chin before and after CO2 laser treatment

Results, before and after.

The results and effects that you can see below did not appear overnight, but after several months of a carefully thought out plan and execution of the treatment. All this contributed to our patient looking completely natural, younger and refreshed.

You can view other cases of facial rejuvenation, correction and remodeling of our patients here.

Price and additional information?

If, after reading the case report of our patient, youare thinking of refreshing your face and/or facial skin, call us at 060/345-0304. You can check the treatment prices on the Pricelist page.

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