Discover the power of Emsculpt body sculpting technology: burn fat, strengthen muscles, and achieve your desired body appearance.

Emsculpt Body Sculpting

What is Emsculpt technology?

Emsculpt is a non-invasive, focused electromagnetic technology designed to induce powerful muscle contractions that cannot be achieved by volitional contractions. In clinical conditions, it helps to improve and strengthen muscles and at the same time reduce fat.

The concept may seem incredible. However, it effectively targets areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs, stimulating supramaximal contractions to cause hypertrophy and muscle hyperplasia. Simply put, Emsculpt Body Sculpting can help strengthen muscle while reducing fat at the same time.

How does it work?

To understand the power of Emsculpt Body Sculpting, you might think of intense training. Hard training could involve hundreds, perhaps thousands, of muscle contractions. But in one 30-minute session, the equipment induces about 20,000 contractions – an intensity that is almost impossible to achieve with classical training.

This intense muscle training leads to a deep remodeling of the internal structure of the muscles, also known as muscular ‘hypertrophy’. Fat cells around the treated area are subject to apoptosis (destruction), which eliminates them, stimulating a visible reduction in fat. By causing intense muscle contractions, Emsculpt forces muscle tissues to adapt. By reacting to these conditions, your muscles begin to remodel their internal structure.

The revolutionary aspect of this treatment also lies in its ease for the patient. The procedure does not require anesthesia or incisions. Instead, patients lie comfortably while the equipment works for them. Patients report the feeling as a strong, intense muscle contraction, but not as pain.

Emsculpt Body Sculpting is not just an aesthetic procedure with transient results. Instead, it paves the way for improved build and a healthier lifestyle, offering real changes in the muscular structure of the body.

It strengthens the muscles, but also tightens the skin!

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In addition to building muscle,Emsculpt Body Sculptingt also affects the tightening of the skin. Once muscle contractions increase muscle density and reduce fat, the skin adheres better to the muscle. The relaxation of the skin decreases, which gives the effect of toning and tightening. This combination of reducing fat and increasing muscle effectively shapes your body and tightens the skin.

Which areas can be treated?

Emsculpt works great for all those areas where fat reduction is difficult. It is applied to the stomach, buttocks, thighs, calves, hands. Especially well reflected on the fat in the lower abdomen, the inside of the thighs, on the gluteus.

Emsculpt Body Sculpting – frequently asked questions

The emsculpt treatment lasts about 30 minutes. During this time, the device is placed over the target area and turned on, to begin the action. This stimulation continues throughout the anticipated length of the session, giving a very intense workout to your muscles without any physical exertion on your part.

The treatment is very simple and does not require special product.
After the procedure, recovery is not required, the patient can immediately return to his activities.

Emsculpt can be useful to anyone who wants to target stubborn portions of fat and improve muscle tone. However, it is especially useful for those who have a fitness routine and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, but cannot cope with stubborn fat or build certain parts of muscle.

The treatment is safe and ideal for healthy patients, who have realistic expectations. As always, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the procedure.

4 continuous treatments are recommended, which are done with an interval of one week. After a series of treatments, a vacation of one month follows. Later, you can move on to the next critical area that needs shaping and tightening.

Results usually begin to show two to four weeks after the first session and continue to improve a few weeks after treatment. Reducing fat and building muscle are time-consuming, provided that a balanced diet and regular exercise accompany sessions.

Emsculpt It is a safe procedure approved by the FDA. It has a high security profile, with minimal risks.

Side effects are rare and are usually minor, such as slight redness or pain in the treated area, which resembles the consequences of intense training. Discuss any health conditions or concerns with your doctor before starting this procedure to make sure Emsculpt is the best choice for you.

Metal or electronic implants in the treatment area, cardiac pacemakers, built-in defibrillators, implanted neurostimulators, drug pumps, malignant tumor, hemorrhagic conditions, epilepsy and recent surgical procedures, pregnancy.

How to make the best use of EMSCULPT?

To make sure you make the most of your Emsculpt treatment, you can take a few steps.

First, maintain open communication with your doctors. Understanding your body’s goals and how treatment can be tailored to meet them is key to success. Moreover, you should pair the procedure with a healthy lifestyle a balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain and improve your results. After treatment, stay hydrated and follow any instructions given to you by your doctor after the session, such as light exercise or avoiding certain activities.

Although you will notice changes after one session, a real transformation takes place in the coming weeks. This phased approach allows you to recover muscles and gradually eliminate fat cells, improving the process of shaping the body.

Emsculpt Body Sculpting

Emsculpt Body Sculpting – expectations

No treatment is without its limits and it’s important to have realistic expectations about what Emsculpt can do for you. Although the treatment is known for its ability to reduce fat and improve muscle definition, it is not a solution for weight loss.

Ideal candidates are those who are already close to their ideal weight, but want to deal with specific areas where fat is resistant to diet and exercise.

Emsculpt Body Sculpting offers a personalized approach

Emsculpt’s versatility in the treatment of different parts of the body makes it an attractive option for individuals with different aesthetic goals.

The abdomen and buttocks are the most common targets, but the arms (biceps and triceps), thighs and calves can also benefit from the procedure.

This adaptability means that the treatment can be adapted to the unique needs of the individual. Whether it’s tightening your belly after pregnancy, lifting your buttocks, or defining arm muscles, Emsculpt can be personalized for different fitness and body shaping goals.

Your doctor may develop a personalized plan that focuses on your problems. Depending on the part of the body, the length and intensity of the session can be adjusted to maximize the comfort and effectiveness of the treatment. It is this personalization that can make all the difference in achieving satisfactory and long-lasting results.

Combination of treatments

EMSCULPT and ShockWave therapy

The combination of Emsculpt with ShockWave shock wave therapy is an innovative approach to body shaping and muscle definition, opening new avenues for achieving improved aesthetic results, especially when we want to focus on getting rid of cellulite from the desired areas.

Emsculpt, known for its capacity to build muscle and reduce fat, pairs well with shock wave therapy. ShockWave therapy uses acoustic waves to improve blood circulation and stimulate connective tissue. This combination not only enhances the reduction of fat, but also raises muscle tone and tightness of the skin. In addition, it removes stubborn cellulite more effectively than when any treatment is done on its own.

The combination of Emsculpt with ShockWave shock wave therapy introduces an innovative approach to body shaping and muscle definition, opening new avenues for achieving improved aesthetic results. This method is especially effective when we focus on removing cellulite from the desired areas.

EMSCULPT and Alma Primex

While Emsculpt uses the power of technology to stimulate muscle contractions to increase muscle density and localized fat reduction, Alma Primex uses ultrasonic and radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin and target the surface layers of fat.

Together, these technologies solve both muscle tone and skin sagging, creating a more pronounced and defined aesthetic. The radiofrequency component of Alma Primex complements the toning of the muscles of Emsculpt by delivering thermal energy to the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin that tightens the skin and smoothes the texture.

This multifaceted approach ensures that patients not only achieve a strengthened muscle base, but also enjoy firmer skin that looks younger, enhancing the overall body shaping experience.

Emsculpt- prices and additional questions

You can see the prices on the price list page. We are at your disposal for any questions you may have. Call us at 060/345-0304 or write to us at <ahref=””>