Is mesotherapy for the face, neck, and décolletage a regular part of your skincare routine? If so, you’re likely already aware of how mesotherapy can give your skin a radiant and vibrant complexion. If you haven’t experienced this treatment yet, we’re here to address all your questions and uncertainties. By the end of this text, you’ll be able to decide whether to schedule the treatment this week or consider an alternative option.
Aging is an inevitable process that accompanies us throughout our lives. Unfortunately, it can also bring some less aesthetically pleasing changes to our face, neck, and décolletage. The skin becomes tired, wrinkles deepen, and issues such as pigmentation spots, visible capillaries, and other imperfections arise.
However, we bring good news! Experts suggest that genetics only account for 20% of our skin’s appearance, while 80% is within our control. This means that proper care, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, quality sleep, and the right treatments can potentially delay the signs of aging by several years and rejuvenate your skin.
Mesotherapy for the face, neck, and décolletage has been a popular choice among celebrities for many years, and it’s no surprise that it has gained immense popularity in the realm of skincare and rejuvenation. Individuals of different ages, including both women and men, often opt for this treatment, especially when they have important upcoming events where they want to radiate their beauty. Additionally, those who prioritize regular facial care recognize facial mesotherapy as a vital treatment on their yearly calendar to maintain their desired skin look throughout the year.

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What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a modern aesthetic and anti-aging procedure that involves the injection of mesococktails into the middle layer of the skin using fine needles. This technique deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin with essential ingredients, restoring its vitality, luminosity, and radiance.
Unlike creams and serums used in daily skincare, which primarily target the superficial layers of the skin, mesotherapy penetrates deeper layers. Mesotherapy cocktails consist of various combinations of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and vitamins. These cocktails not only provide immediate delivery of active ingredients to the skin but also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. These proteins play a key role in achieving a rejuvenated appearance and maintaining skin elasticity.
The selection of high-quality mesococktails is of utmost importance. For intensive results, a mesococktail with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, bioactive peptides, vitamin C, and retinol is chosen. Hyaluronic acid, in addition to its remarkable anti-aging effects and intensive hydration, facilitates the gradual release of peptides and vitamins, leading to prolonged regeneration. This approach yields visible rejuvenation even in aged and damaged skin.

Mesotherapy of the face, hair and body?

Facial mesotherapy is widely recognized as one of the most effective methods for enhancing skin quality. However, its benefits extend beyond the realm of skincare. Mesotherapy is also utilized for addressing hair loss concerns as the mesococktails stimulate new hair growth from follicles and improve the overall quality of existing hair.
When it comes to mesotherapy for the body, it primarily focuses on treating cellulite that may be resistant to improvement through exercise and proper nutrition alone. Even if you have dedicated numerous hours at the gym and made conscious dietary choices, achieving the desired swimsuit body may still prove challenging. In such cases, mesotherapy, in conjunction with other treatments like Alma PrimeX, can provide the final push needed to combat cellulite and attain the desired results. This comprehensive approach not only enhances circulation but also aids in breaking down cellulite and tightening the skin, helping you achieve a more toned and smoother appearance.

mesotherapy face

What does treatment look like?

During the examination, we evaluate the condition and quality of your skin. Based on the analysis, a unique combination of mesococktails is chosen to address your specific skin needs. Prior to the treatment, an anesthetic cream is applied to the cleansed face, neck, or décolletage area to ensure a completely painless experience. Subsequently, mesotherapy cocktails are administered using tiny needles. In our practice, we use Fillmed NCTF 135, Revitacare, and Aesthetic Dermal RSS cocktails.
Recommendation: For mature skin with more pronounced signs of aging, mesotherapy is often combined with other treatments such as lasers, fillers etc.

How long does the treatment take?

A mesotherapy session typically lasts around 60 minutes, and any redness that may occur usually subsides within a few hours.

Is the treatment painful?

Since mesotherapy employs very fine needles and involves the application of an anesthetic cream prior to the procedure, the treatment is generally minimally painful.

Pre-treatment and post-treatment recommendations

On the day of the treatment, it is advised to avoid wearing makeup, engaging in physical activities, swimming, or using a sauna. Additionally, exposure to strong sunlight should be avoided for a few days following the treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

Mesotherapy is one of the treatments that yields visible results within a few days, but the best outcomes are yet to come! It takes several weeks for new collagen to start appearing.
For addressing the initial signs of aging, it is recommended to undergo the first two treatments with a one-month interval, followed by the next two treatments with a two-month interval between them.
In the case of facial mesotherapy for more mature skin, the frequency of treatments is slightly higher. The first two treatments are scheduled with a 15-day interval, while the next two treatments are spaced one month apart. Subsequently, it is necessary to have two additional treatments with a two-month interval between them.
Once the desired results are achieved, mesotherapy should be repeated every three months to provide the skin with a continuous supply of essential bioactive ingredients that help maintain its vitality and youthful appearance.

Mesotherapy mesocotel

What are the results of mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy restores freshness to the skin, reduces the visibility of imperfections, and simultaneously rejuvenates, deeply hydrates, and enhances its radiance. This treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production, resulting in gradual skin tightening and significant improvement in skin quality. In the case of mesotherapy for the body, it reduces the visibility of cellulite, while also promoting skin tightening and smoothness.

Who Is A Candidate For Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a suitable option for:

  • Individuals who desire to refresh their skin.
  • Particularly those with dry and dehydrated skin.
  • Those looking for preventive measures against aging.
  • People who struggle to eliminate cellulite through exercise and diet.


Contraindications for mesotherapy include pregnancy, breastfeeding, blood clotting disorders, autoimmune diseases, active skin infections, and known allergies or hypersensitivity to the ingredients used.
With mesotherapy cocktails, we are unable to treat hyperpigmentation, spots, acne scars, reduce enlarged pores, tighten skin, and eliminate wrinkles. These issues are effectively addressed through treatments such as CO2 laser, laser treatments, chemical peels, and hyaluronic fillers.

Side effects?

Side effects of mesotherapy may include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness at the injection site, itching, and rare allergic reactions.

Mesotherapy – prices and additional questions?

You can view the price list by clicking on the link. If you have any doubts regarding the mesotherapy feel free to call us at 060/345-0304 or write to us, and we will be happy to address all your questions and concerns.