Filling sunken and dark circles under the eyes with hyaluronic acid fillers is a highly effective treatment that instantly erases signs of aging.

A youthful face encompasses clear, tight skin and youthful-looking eyes without fatigue or aging signs like dark circles, fine lines, or wrinkles. Aging is a natural process, and the first signs typically manifest around the eyes due to the skin’s thin and sensitive nature in this area. Fine, thin lines gradually develop into wrinkles, and the upper eyelids may droop. Loss of fatty tissue and weakened ligaments under the eyes cause sunken or swollen dark circles, leading to a tired and aged look.

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Why do dark circles appear?

Dark circles can be caused by factors such as aging, loss of subcutaneous tissue, genetics, allergies, hormonal disorders, lack of sleep, weight loss, environmental pollution, and prolonged screen time.

Swollen dark circles and bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes can be caused by various factors, including genetic inheritance. They may consist of fat pads or fluid accumulation in the under-eye area.Dark circles with fat pads occur as we age, causing significant changes in the connective tissue and muscle structure around the eyes. The thin skin under the eyes begins to sag, causing the fatty tissue to shift and become visible as bags on the lower eyelids. Surgical intervention is typically required to address these types of dark circles, although hyaluronic fillers may offer correction in certain cases.
In the pictures below you can see examples from our practice of correcting bags with visible fat pads with hyaluronic fillers. It is important that this procedure is performed by an experienced doctor as swelling may occur.

Fluid accumulation in the lower eyelids can lead to a swollen and bloated appearance. This condition can be influenced by various factors such as hormonal changes, allergies, dermatitis, etc. Unlike dark circles with fat pads, puffy dark circles with fluid bags often have a purple color and lack distinct separation from the surrounding tissue.Resolving this issue requires identifying and addressing the underlying cause of fluid retention.

Dark circles around the eyes

In certain individuals, thin skin, external factors, and aging can contribute to a reduction in blood flow within the blood vessels under the eyes. This can result in the darkening of the circles, ranging in color from brown to purple to reddish. If you’re interested in learning more about treatments to address dark circles, you can find detailed information here.

Tear trough

The area beneath the eye that extends towards the upper cheek is referred to as the tear trough. It is characterized by a depletion of subcutaneous fat tissue, thin skin and weakened ligaments. It is often accompanied by sagging of the cheeks. The treatment of this type of dark circles is easily and effectively accomplished by using hyaluronic acid fillers. In many instances, it is also necessary to restore the lost volume in the upper area of the anterior cheek, which provides support to the dark circles.

tear troughs removal of dark circles

How to remove dark circles?

To effectively address dark circles, it is important to first understand their causes and types. Surgical procedures are typically recommended for under-eye bags, while hyaluronic acid fillers are effective for correcting dark circles and tear troughs.

dark circles removal with hyaluronic fillers

The treatment process starts with a thorough examination conducted by a doctor to assess the type of dark circles and determine the required amount of hyaluronic fillers for correction. The next step involves precise injections of hyaluronic acid along the lower eyelid and tear trough area to restore lost volume, diminish the appearance of dark color under the eyes, and reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Following the treatment, patients can resume their regular activities immediately, as no recovery time is needed. The entire procedure typically takes around 45 minutes.

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dark circles removal – RESULTS

One of the greatest advantages of this method for removing dark circles is the immediate visibility of the results after the treatment. The skin around the eyes appears rejuvenated and tightened, eliminating the tired appearance. Sunken dark circles are filled, restoring a natural color to the skin. Additionally, fine lines and wrinkles become less noticeable, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.

How long do results last?

Filling dark circles with hyaluronic fillers is done on average once a year. Depending on the condition of the skin and the type of dark circles, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 12 to 15 months.


Because we know that pictures speak louder than words, we suggest that you take a look at the results of dark circle removal in our patients through the before and after photos of the treatment HERE.

hyaluronic fillers before and after dark circles

Is it possible to get rid of dark circles after one treatment?

In most cases, the answer is YES – just one treatment is enough to see results. However, it is important to note that in certain cases, especially in older and thinner individuals, it may be necessary to first fill the upper part of the cheeks, specifically the cheekbones, to provide adequate support for the dark circles.

Who is not a good candidate?

If excess skin is present in the lower eyelid area, hyaluronic fillers may not provide the desired result. In such cases, non-surgical skin tightening using a CO2 laser or surgical intervention may be necessary to address the excess skin before considering fillers. Additionally, hyaluronic fillers may increase swelling in the eye area for those prone to edema or with larger bags.

Price and Additional Questions

The cost of filler treatment can vary depending on whether the tear trough or cheekbones need to be treated. On average, around 2 milliliters of hyaluronic acid is typically required to correct dark circles. However, if the upper part of the cheeks and cheekbones also need to be filled, the total amount of filler needed is about 4 milliliters. Read more about the prices and find out on the Pricelist page. If you have additional questions or want to book an appointment, please call us at 060/345-0304 or write at