If you are someone who is interested in aesthetic and antiaging medicine, or even if you are not, you have certainly heard the term “rejuvenation”. What does it mean to rejuvenate? Is that even possible? Science clearly tells us that rejuvenation at the entire level of the particles of our organism is almost impossible. Even so, aesthetic medicine offers a handful of “rejuvenating” treatments. Are these procedures that really turn back the clock or a marketing ploy?
The truth is that our molecules cannot be rejuvenated. But it is also true that we can look younger, more beautiful and more satisfied with the help of antiaging procedures and aesthetic medicine. A toned face without wrinkles and loose skin is also a face that has regained its youthful appearance and shape. It is a face from which the traces of age have been removed. It’s the same with skin.

Firm, supple and smooth skin is the skin of our youth. It’s skin that radiates beauty and confidence from every pore!

When you look at yourself in the mirror after the aesthetic treatment and see someone you last saw years ago, your lips stretch into a smile of joy and your pupils dilate with delight. It’s normal to feel that youthful zest in you again and that desire to dream life again, like you used to. This is what “rejuvenation” means in aesthetic medicine. Because aesthetic medicine does not only rejuvenate the tissue, it rejuvenates the person! And the molecules…they don’t really matter that much.
After all, look at the rejuvenation case of our patient Biljana, who even at the beginning of her sixth decade does not stop dreaming and living her youthful dreams!

What are the signs of aging on Biljana’s face?

Biljana is on the threshold of 50. realized that regular skin care with creams and cosmetic treatments could not help her to remove wrinkles, restore smooth skin and rejuvenate her face. Likewise, she did not want to undergo surgical procedures such as a facelift or lower eyelid surgery. That’s when she decided to visit us at our office so that we could suggest effective non-surgical treatments to remove the signs of time on the face. Our journey to rejuvenating her face took about 2 years, including combinations of different treatments that slowly removed the signs of aging one after the other, from the skin all the way down to the subcutaneous tissue.

But first, let’s single out the basic symptoms that made Biljana’s face look older and more tired. These are first of all:

  • loose, dry and inelastic skin,
  • excess skin in the area of the lower eyelids,
  • loss of fullness of the face, which is reflected in the lack of subcutaneous tissue, flat cheekbones, slightly swollen cheeks, reduced chin and jaw tissue,
  • the appearance of shallower and deeper wrinkles on the face.

In the picture below, we can see the changes caused by the loss of subcutaneous tissue, but also collagen and elastin, which make the skin tighten and firm.

Skin and face rejuvenation after 50. years
Loss of subcutaneous tissue and skin aging: 1. Excess skin on the lower eyelids 2. Dark circles 3. Nasolabial folds 4. Loss of volume and flat cheekbones 5. and 6. Lack of volume and minor excess skin on the chin and lower jawline. Picture before treatment.

Rejuvenation after 50 with non-surgical treatments

Analyzing the causes of the changes in Biljana’s face, we chose appropriate non-surgical rejuvenation procedures and planned the course of treatment in detail. So we decided on:

  • Biorevitalization for skin hydration and regeneration,
  • CO2 laser for removing excess skin of the lower eyelids and tightening the skin of the face,
  • Volume compensation with hyaluronic fillers in the area of the temples, cheekbones, central part of the face, lower third of the face, lips, as well as filling wrinkles,
  • Botox to remove wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes.

before and after non-surgical rejuvenation

Biljana after CO2 laser treatment, biorevitalization, hyaluronic fillers and botox.
Hyaluronic fillers for a younger and smoother face

The lack of volume in the temples, cheeks and lower third of the face made Biljana’s face look older and more tired. Here it is important to point out that Biljana is an ideal candidate for hyaluronic fillers. The reason for this is that there is no significant excess and loss of subcutaneous tissue on her face, especially fat pads and folds that are sometimes impossible to correct and “lift” with hyaluronic fillers.
Another problem on her face besides the loss of volume is the lack of youthful contours. This is clearly reflected in the form of flat cheekbones and an undefined contour of the lower jaw. Fortunately, all these changes are effectively and easily solved with hyaluronic fillers.
We filled the temple area, cheekbones, cheeks, chin, lips, lower jaw line and its corner with hyaluronic fillers of appropriate density and characteristics. The face regained its fullness, nasolabial and marionette wrinkles were softened, and the contours of the cheekbones and jaw contributed to a feminine and younger appearance. You can read more about treatment with hyaluronic fillers here.


In Biljana’s case, we treated the area between the eyebrows with Botox in order to prevent deepening of the frown line, the forehead and the area around the eyes. The result of Botox is slightly raised eyebrows, shallower or almost disappeared wrinkles, a more open and rested look. You can read everything about Botox treatment here.


Due to the loss of the support of subcutaneous tissue, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, our patient’s skin became dry, relaxed, with shallower and deeper wrinkles. In particular, in the area around the eyes, in addition to the wrinkles, there was an excess of skin on the lower eyelids.
On several occasions, we performed a series of CO2 laser treatments that stimulated the production of new collagen, firmed the skin, evened out the texture, softened wrinkles and strengthened the skin’s tone. Also, thanks to the CO2 laser, the excess skin on the lower eyelids is almost significantly reduced! In the meantime, we treated the skin with hyaluronic acid using products for biorevitalization and skin regeneration such as Jalupro and JUVÉDERM Volite . You can find out more about CO2 laser treatment here.

Results. Before and after.

The fact is that aging is a process that we cannot stop. However, on this example of the application of moderate, non-surgical treatments, we have clearly shown that we can significantly slow down that process and make it more beautiful. After 2 years of regular treatments, her facial features took on softer, younger and more feminine contours thanks to hyaluronic fillers and botox. CO2 and biorevitalization have greatly improved the quality of the skin, it is now clear, smooth, fresh and healthy looking.

In the video, you can see how one of the treatments went, during which we Biljani treated the lower third of the face with hyaluronic fillers. You will hear her impression of the treatments and find out how she feels after erasing the years from her face.

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You can view the cases of facial rejuvenation, correction and remodeling of our patients here.

Price and additional information?

If, after reading the case report of our patient, you are thinking of refreshing your face and/or facial skin, call us at 060/345-0304. You can check the treatment prices on the Pricelist page.

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