I’m sure by now you’ve noticed people in the city or on one of the social networks whose faces look somehow artificial and plastic, and certain facial features are completely overemphasized. This trend is something that has been around for a long time and unfortunately, it is not slowing down. Excessive use of dermal fillers can lead to an extremely unnatural facial appearance. Why would anyone go to that extreme? And why do aesthetic doctors agree and agree with such unjustified requests of their patients?
It can be said that there is an abuse of quantity today, as Lawrence Coplin, a famous plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills, once said. Dermal fillers can provide almost immediate results, so it makes sense that they have become very popular with millions of men and women around the world. This injection of instant gratification and problem solving keeps patients coming back to her again and again. Unfortunately, some too often and too much.
Part of the problem is that some patients no longer see themselves like other people, but see in the mirror only what they want to see and thus fall into a distorted state of consciousness where the rule applies – the more botox and fillers, the better !
Another factor influencing this state of affairs is the widespread photoshopped images on social networks. In an extremely unrealistic way, they portray the people in those photos as perfect and without a single flaw. This desire for a perfect appearance leads some patients to excessive use of dermal fillers. And over time, this can leave unwanted and very serious consequences for their faces, such as an overinflated facial appearance – puffy face and excessively large lips – blowfish lips.
Also, some aesthetic doctors refrain from telling their patients that they are exaggerating or that their expectations are unrealistic for fear of losing the client. In addition, every milliliter of filler injected means more profit, so it is not surprising that some of them keep quiet and indulge the whims of their patients.
What everyone who is thinking about going for the treatment should know is that fillers are not a miracle solution for all aesthetic problems of the face and that there are numerous possibilities of an unwanted effect, which often depends on who performs the procedure. Fillers can move after injection, especially the lower quality ones, and it takes some time for them to “lay down”. For example, due to the unprofessional injection of filler into the upper lip and moving it, the effect of a hanging lip or the formation of lumps can occur, which must be removed later.
Then, using fillers in the cheek area is great for someone with a flat mid-face but extremely unproductive for someone with prominent cheekbones. In people with such a facial anatomy, all that is actually achieved is the stretching of the inner tissue of the cheek and the creation of a pocket that over time requires an increasing amount of filler in order for the effect to be visible. This then leads to facial disproportion where the cheeks appear too large in relation to the chin and lower jaw, and the face as a whole takes on a puffed up look, while the natural contours of the face are lost. Also, fillers in the cheeks can move and drag the face down, and excessive use in this area makes the face gravitate towards the lips over time and the person takes on the appearance of a hamster.

Another important fact is that fillers cannot lift more hanging excess skin and subcutaneous tissue on the lower face. That is simply not possible.

fillers botox
If you are thinking about or decide to undergo treatment with fillers, what should definitely be taken into account is not only the price, the product, and the effect you want. The most important factor is the doctor who works with you.

What you are actually paying for is someone’s knowledge and expertise, but also someone’s sincerity and desire to help you and take care of your health and appearance, keeping in mind the long-term effects of the treatment. You want someone by your side who will clearly and unambiguously explain to you whether your wishes are possible and whether they are good for you, taking into account all factors and not just short-term effects.

If you think about it, you will see that there is no dilemma with what kind of doctors you want to work with.