At what age do we start to get ‘old’? In a philosophical manner, it can be said that we age from the moment we are born and that aging is a continuous process. However, if we define the signs of aging as physical changes on the skin and face that indicate age, then we can say that the first signs of aging appear upon entering the fourth decade of life. It should be taken into account that the aging process is individual. The lucky winners of the genetic lottery will retain their youthful appearance later, while the others will show the first signs of aging earlier. However, on average, we can say that the period of 30 -40. years, the age when the first signs of aging appear on our face and skin.
The thirties are the right time for antiaging treatments
Fortunately, today’s aesthetic and antiaging medicine has progressed to such an extent that we can move this moment of facing the first signs of aging to some later years than the thirties. All we need to do is take proper care of ourselves, our skin and our face. This means that adequate and purposeful treatments that protect and make the skin better quality, healthier and more beautiful should be started in a timely manner.
The thirties are the right time to start regular application of treatments in the form of hyaluronic fillers, botox, skin boosters, chemical peels, biorevitalization and other procedures. The golden rule of medicine that reads prevention is better than cure is equally applicable in aesthetic medicine.
And it was with this idea and need that our patient Tamara came to us, who in her thirties encountered visible signs of aging and wanted to remove them from her face.
Things that Tamara wanted to change…

Tamara complained to us on wrinkles around the eyes, dark circles, lack of fullness in the cheekbones and cheeks.
The upper third of the face and midface
In our patient, wrinkles around the eyes are the result of stronger facial muscle mimicry and loss of subcutaneous tissue. Additionally, her skin is naturally thinner and more prone to wrinkles. Wrinkles around the eyes are corrected with Botox and less dense hyaluronic acid (Volbella, Volite). We must emphasize that it is preferable to treat these wrinkles subtly and never remove them completely, because that would make the face look artificial.
Sunken dark circles they make us look tired and older, so we are not surprised that our patients want to remove them from their face completely. However, phenomena caused by aging – in this case dark circles, must not be viewed and solved as isolated, but as part of neighboring areas of the face. When we look at Tamara’s face, we will see that the loss of volume in the temple area, the front part of the cheeks, and the cheekbones affected the expressiveness of the dark circles, but also the older appearance of the upper and middle third of the face (midface).
Lower third of the face
In the lower part of the face, we also noticed a smaller asymmetry of the upper lip and chin, the tip of which should have been rounded to make it more feminine.
Based on the review and analysis of the changes caused by aging, we decided to correct:
- Hollow temples,
- Cheekbones, cheeks, nasolabial folds (midface),
- Chin and lip asymmetry.
Before and after – treatment results!

The temporal (temple) area is very important for the harmony of the face and its youthful appearance. By restoring volume to this area, we compensate for lost bone density, fat and muscle tone. The effect of filling the temples is a raised outer part of the eyebrow, an open look and a subtle transition line to the cheekbones. You can read all about the role of filling the temples in facial rejuvenation on the page Temporal area and forehead.
By compensating the volume in the cheekbones and cheeks, we refreshed the central part of the face – midface, lifted it and softened the dark circles. We did not touch the nasolabial folds themselves, except for their roots near the nostrils. With a smaller amount of filler, we corrected the asymmetry of the chin and upper lip. For this intervention, we used the total 4 milliliters of hyaluronic filler JUVÉDERM. Finally, we treated the skin of the face with 1 milliliter of hyaluronic product JUVÉDERM Volite in order to remove fine lines, deeply hydrate the skin and improve its quality.
After correction with hyaluronic fillers, Tamara’s face is more rested and younger, and her natural beauty is accentuated!

Price and additional information?
If you have additional questions or want to book an appointment, please call us at 060/345-0304 or write at
About the treatment: