Almost every day we witness that patients, due to attractive prices, decide for the so-called permanent materials such as biopolymer, methacrylic, etc., which are by no means approved or registered for use. These products are very risky, and often after being injected and integrated into the tissue, they cause inflammatory processes, the formation of biofilms and granulomas, which require long periods of treatment, surgical procedures and sometimes, irreparable tissue deformations.
Often, even patients who choose approved medical products such as hyaluronic fillers are not protected from the appearance of their copies that are illegal and unsafe for use.

The registered and safe product contains a sticker of the injected product, as a guarantee that the product is original, sterile and approved.

The original package contains:

  • Data on the type and amount of filler used, e.g. Volift 1ml, as you can see in the picture,

  • Expiry date (“exp”),

  • Serial number (“lot number”).

protection against filer copies

If the product does not have a label and original packaging (box, syringe, etc.), it is most likely a copy, fillers from the black market or even illegal biopolymers and silicones.

Choose wisely! Use your right to ask the doctor for the box and sticker for inspection.

In our office, we use high-quality and proven hyaluronic fillers JUVÉDERM, Restylane, Belotero and Teosyal in order to achieve a long-lasting and safe result and our patients to be satisfied with the outcome of the treatment.