Rejuvenation and beautification with hyaluronic fillers today, more than ever, raises many questions and doubts, that’s why we sought all the answers from Dr. Miloš Živković, doctor of aesthetic medicine and specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

Beautiful, healthy and well-nourished skin, without signs of aging such as sagging skin, the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other imperfections is the dream of almost every woman. While some of us worry about facial aging and wonder how to slow down this inevitable process, younger women worry about imperfections such as eyebrow asymmetry, too thin lips, cheekbones and others. In both cases, it is clear that daily care with cosmetic products is simply not enough to solve these problems. Already when you start searching for a solution to these problems, you come across hyaluronic fillers, which are used today, more than ever, in aesthetic medicine. Many women stop here due to caution and fear of an unnatural appearance of the face, which is completely understandable and justified, because no one wants an artificial appearance of the face that actually spoils the beauty. On the other hand, we have numerous examples of famous ladies for whom age is just a number. Their natural facial features are not distorted at all, they do not look artificial at all, but fresh, sleepy, radiant and even better than in their twenties, just like Jennifer Lopez. Our question is – how?

Jennifer Lopez

In search of an answer, we go to the doctor’s office of Dr. Miloš Živković, one of the most sought-after doctors of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine. His patients are those women who you know how old they are, but you see absolutely no sign on their face that would tell you that they have “done” anything. The reason for this may lie in the fact that Dr. Živković is included in the very top of the world trends when it comes to aesthetic medicine and his individual approach to each of his patients gives exactly these results. However, as we had many questions on the topic of hyaluronic fillers and we want to resolve all doubts as soon as possible, we ask him the first question.

Doctor, can you explain to our readers what the “secret” of hyaluronic fillers is?

– There really is no special secret. The application of hyaluronic fillers under the patient’s skin is a safe and affordable procedure that is performed to restore a younger, fresher and more beautiful facial appearance. They erase the signs of aging from the face in a very subtle way, which at the same time looks completely natural, which is the most important thing for our patients.

The principle by which fillers work is simple, they actually supply the body with the necessary amount of hyaluronic acid, which is an integral part of our organism and is lost from the human body with aging. As we age, our skin becomes loose, lines and wrinkles appear, and the youthful glow is lost. Hyaluronic acid, which the skin receives through fillers, slows down this process and has a reversible effect for a certain period of time, because it stimulates the creation of collagen and elastin, which make the skin shiny, fresh and hydrated.

So, the main function of hyaluronic fillers is to rejuvenate the skin?

– Not only in rejuvenating and maintaining a youthful appearance through regular treatments, but fillers also have a corrective aesthetic function. A carefully designed treatment with fillers will bring great changes to the patient’s face, in terms of minimizing the less desirable elements and simultaneously accentuating the positive elements of the face, which brings the natural beauty of the patient’s face to the fore. This corrective function of fillers changes the outward appearance of our patients, but it goes much further than that, because it affects their self-confidence, which further enhances the results of our work. When a woman looks in the mirror every morning, the first thing she thinks about is her facial defect and feels dissatisfaction that follows her throughout the day, it’s a big deal and we pay special attention to it. When we correct that problem, we have solved much more than an aesthetic problem, actually, and that is our greatest satisfaction in our work.

You mentioned the elements of the face, which parts of the face can be treated with fillers?

-Fillers are used in the treatment of cheeks, cheekbones, lips, the area around the eyes, the area around the mouth, chin, jaw and neck. These are the parts of the face that are most often corrected in a way that is in accordance with the entire anatomy of the face. This is very important, because any corrective treatment must not disturb the natural balance of the face.

before and after facial remodeling with fillers

What is needed for a good result?

– There are several factors that are important for a satisfactory result of the treatment, but the first and most important step is certainly the consultation. Our team of highly skilled medical staff introduces the patient to each stage of the treatment, determines the patient’s needs and wishes in detail, answers questions related to the treatment itself and the effects of the treatment, and then moves on to a thorough study of the patient’s skin and face. The analysis of the patient is carried out from every angle in order to achieve a natural, balanced and harmonious aesthetic result that will be satisfied first of all by the patient, but also by the doctor.

Our rule is to always create a personal and unique treatment that is adapted to the special needs of patients. It is very important to us that everyone who comes to our office is familiar with all the possible options that are available and together we can create an adequate treatment or a combination of treatments that will give the best results, that is, lead to the desired appearance.

Up to what age are hyaluronic fillers effective?

-Dermal fillers are effective and show results regardless of the patient’s age. Of course, each treatment must be adapted not only to the needs and wishes of each individual patient, but also to the patient’s age. So for example, a lip correction treatment for a patient in their twenties will not be the same as for a patient in their forties. It should be noted that the needs and priorities of patients change over time, so a patient in his twenties is most often oriented towards filling the volume of the lips and facial contouring , such as contouring the cheeks, cheekbones or jawline , while a patient in his forties will be more oriented towards removing signs of fatigue and aging.

How familiar are your patients with the effects of hyaluronic fillers?

I have to say that there are still a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about the nature and effect of fillers. For example, many patients come with the idea that fillers are permanent, that after the application of fillers it is very difficult to cancel their effect, some think that fillers are the same as Botox, and that it is not possible to combine fillers and Botox in one treatment. All of this listed is not true and it only speaks to how much aesthetic medicine is a branch of medicine that changes and develops very dynamically.

Patients are then interested in the duration of the effects of the filler and how many sessions are needed to achieve the full effect, as well as when the first effects of the treatment will be visible.

Mild complications are possible, but are very rare. The reaction of the body in the form of slight swelling is certainly expected, but it lasts very short and the patient is able to continue with a normal life in a very short time. Fillers are completely natural and as such are absorbed by the body over time.

On Instagram you are known for the hashtag #lessismore. Can you explain to us what that actually means?

Of course! The concept “Less is more” is the basis of our philosophy and approach to aesthetic correction. The function and purpose of corrective treatment is to emphasize the natural beauty of the patient’s face. World trends highlight a natural, balanced and harmonious face correction where the correction elements are “muted” and placed in the natural context of the face, and not overemphasized to some caricature level that completely detracts from the natural contours of the face. The quality of aesthetic correction is reflected precisely in this, because it takes a lot of knowledge and skill to achieve the effect “Did she, or didn’t she, do something, or did he do?”, which only enhances the beauty of the face and the structure of the skin, regardless of age. the patient. Therefore, the essence of the “Less is more” idea is to achieve an optimal result with a minimal and imperceptible deviation from the natural balance and contours of the face.

What can be corrected with 1 ml of filler?

Patients are often unreasonably afraid of the amount because it, especially when injected in the wrong places, leads to an artificial appearance. With 1 ml of hyaluronan, lips can be filled, nasolabial wrinkles removed, cheekbones slightly contoured.

lips before and after hyaluronic 5

What makes your work stand out?

We like to let our patients answer this question, because they do it best (smile). But when you insist on an answer, I think that a detailed and realistic assessment of the condition of the face, the quality of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which is then harmonized with what the patients expect as a result, is what sets us apart from others. With gradual treatments, we achieve the desired appearance and we always solve the cause, not the effect, and the fact that each treatment in our office is adapted to the individual needs of the patient. All this is a daily, integral part of our work, and we believe that no item should be left out, because that’s the only way to get good results. In other words, there are no shortcuts, but isn’t that true of all results in life, right? (laughter)

What should patients pay attention to when choosing a doctor to whom they will entrust themselves with full confidence?

Photos of someone’s work – before and after and a conversation in which the doctor will familiarize himself with the anatomy of your face, the quality of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and discuss your wishes are where you can gather the most information. Always ask if the doctor has and how much experience he has, if he has a recognized certificate for injection methods, because today many do the so-called “poking” which can be very dangerous, not only for the appearance, but also for the health of the patient if it is not performed by an expert. . It is also very important that the doctor uses proven products of the highest quality. And last, but not least, a doctor who promises unrealistic fulfillment of wishes that you can look like someone else, maybe like someone you look up to (for example, the mouth or nose of a public figure) is not someone who will emphasize your beauty, but potentially distort your natural the balance of your face, leading to an artificial, caricature-look.

What would you advise someone before deciding on a treatment with hyaluronic fillers?

That they don’t believe everything they read on the internet and social networks, that they ask about the treatment they want and never compare themselves to others, because every face is a story in itself.

Psychologically, how much can aesthetic treatment make a difference to a patient?

I am of the opinion that it is not important how old you are, but how tired and sad you look, and that does not reflect your inner condition on the outside, as well as how old you look regardless of age, that is important. When dark circles are removed from the face, wrinkles on the forehead or between the eyebrows that leave the impression that you are always frowning, when the face is tightened and the youthful glow and radiance are restored, it changes things – inside and out.

When this balance is achieved, then the moodiness and lack of self-confidence that patients experience every morning when they look in the mirror disappears. For me personally and my team, it is the result, when our work affects the appearance on the outside and the woman or man on the inside – for the better!

Source: Blic