In previous presentations of our patients’ facial rejuvenation cases, we have repeatedly explained the aging process of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the face. What we especially emphasize and what should be remembered is that aging takes place in all layers of the face. This implies changes in bone structures, soft tissues (fat and muscle) and ligaments, and finally in the skin itself. The traces that aging leaves on the face are not only wrinkles but also a tired, thinner facial appearance and increasingly noticeable asymmetry. Therefore, we must approach facial rejuvenation and correction comprehensively. What does that actually mean? Looking at the patient’s face as a whole, we first determine the signs of aging and find their causes in order to remove them. After that, we choose appropriate treatments that will rejuvenate the face and make it more attractive, while preserving its natural appearance both in motion and at rest. In this text, we will show you a case of rejuvenation and improvement of facial features of our Bojana, guiding you through each stage of the selected treatments.
why does the face look tired?
Bojana is in her early thirties. At first glance, her face looks tired. Dark shadows and depressions highlight the existing asymmetry, and the left side of the face looks “stronger” and more developed compared to the right. By analyzing each layer of her face in detail, we will better understand the process and impact of aging. In Bojana’s case, these are the following problems:
- Skin: dehydrated, thinner especially around the lips and around the eyes, uneven texture;
- Adipose tissue: pronounced sunken and dark under-eye circles, loss of volume in the cheeks and cheekbones, loss of facial contour, sunken temples, shallow nasolabial folds, facial asymmetry;
- Muscles: wrinkles on the forehead, lowered eyebrows;
- Bones: Mild resorption of the bony structure of the forehead.

As we can see, there is not only one reason that led to the creation of the mentioned problems. So, for example, sunken dark circles are caused by loss of volume in the eye area and cheek, while a drooping eyebrow is the result of changes in the muscle layer and loss of fatty tissue above the eyebrow.
In other words, we have to use the appropriate treatment for each problem, and only a combination of treatments leads to optimal results. First, it was necessary to restore the lost volume in the upper and middle part of the face using hyaluronic fillers. Next, treating the upper third of the face with Botox would soften forehead wrinkles, lift drooping brows and delay the deepening of existing wrinkles. When we have corrected the subcutaneous structures of the face, we have to improve the quality and tone of the skin itself so that it also shines in its full glory.
Hyaluronic fillers for facial volume
As we mentioned above, noticeable loss of fullness in the cheeks, cheekbones and temples are the reason why Bojana’s face looks tired and asymmetrical. The fact that there is no excess or sagging of the subcutaneous tissue makes it an ideal candidate for hyaluronic fillers. These products have been used with great success for decades to compensate for the volume lost due to aging, but also to shape certain parts of the face such as the cheekbones or chin.
For each area of the face, we have selected a filler with appropriate characteristics to ensure natural and long-lasting results.
In the image below, the areas treated with hyaluronic fillers are marked:
- temples,
- dark circles,
- nasolabial folds,
- Cheekbones and cheeks.

First, we filled in the temples, that is, the temporal area. It should be borne in mind here that it is a part of the face that is rich in blood vessels and it is necessary to leave its correction exclusively to doctors with many years of experience. By restoring fullness to the temples, we slightly raised the outer arch of the eyebrow and then filled in the depression towards the transition to the cheekbones.
Dark circles and nasolabial folds are located on the edges of the central part of the face – cheeks and cheekbones. In the case when there is a lack of volume in the cheeks and the cheekbones are flat and unnoticeable, we always correct that area first, before filling in the dark circles and nasolabial folds. In this way, we ensure that the face retains a natural expression, especially in the area of the dark circles. Also, fewer milliliters of hyaluronic filler are needed to correct nasolabial wrinkles and dark circles when the central part of the face is treated first.
By carefully injecting hyaluronic fillers, completely respecting Bojana’s facial anatomy, we filled in hollows, refreshed contours and corrected asymmetry. Now the face looks completely harmonious, and with the disappearance of the shadows, the traces of fatigue around the eyes have been erased.
You can read everything about the treatment with hyaluronic fillers here.
Bojana has shallow wrinkles on her forehead, and the wrinkles around her eyes are visible only during facial expressions. Her wish was to additionally lift the outer part of the eyebrow, which we raised to some extent by filling the temples with hyaluronic filler. We use botox to remove facial wrinkles and correct drooping eyebrows. How does it work? Botox is injected into the muscle, relaxes it, reduces its mobility and thus prevents the skin from “creasing”. When we injected it into the forehead muscle, we softened his facial expressions and the wrinkles on his forehead became almost imperceptible. Then we also treated the surrounding muscle in order to reduce mimic wrinkles around the eyes, but also to raise the outer tail of the eyebrow.
You can read everything about Botox treatment here.
Bojana’s facial skin is normal to dry. In the areas around the eyes and lips, where the skin is also the thinnest, there is a particularly pronounced lack of hydration and radiance.
First, we did two CO2 laser treatments a month and a half apart. With the CO2 laser, we evened out the texture of the skin, reduced shallow wrinkles on the skin and stimulated the creation of collagen, which is key to a firm tone and a taut appearance of the skin.
After that, we did 3 treatments of Jalupro biorevitalization with a gap of one month in order to provide the skin with deep hydration, smoothness and fullness.
In the end, we did a PRP treatment to improve the results. With PRP therapy, we stimulated the natural production of collagen, elastin and other components that lead to structural changes in the skin, and the result is younger, smoother-looking skin.

Treatment results
First of all, it is important to note that the entire process of rejuvenating Bojana’s face lasted for about 18 months. A carefully planned course of treatment and a proper selection of treatment combinations led to the desired results! Her face has lost its tired look, her eyebrows are lifted and her gaze is open. The overall impression is that the face looks younger, more attractive and harmonious.
You can view all the cases of facial rejuvenation, correction and remodeling of our patients here.
Price and additional information?
If, after reading the case report of our patient, you are thinking of refreshing your face and/or facial skin, schedule a consultation at 060/345-0304. You can check the treatment prices on the Pricelist page.