The fourth decade of life is very stressful in many ways. Daily obligations at work, at home, stress and pressure imposed by life leave a big mark on our face. Deep wrinkles and a tired look are the most common result of such pressure and pace of life.
Our patient Biljana, a teacher in her mid-thirties, was in a similar situation. On her face, there were noticeable wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, and the lowered arch of the eyebrows emphasized the tired expression even more. Biljana was not satisfied with what she saw in the mirror and turned to us for help because she wanted to do something for her face and herself.
Wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead can be treated with various aesthetic and antiaging procedures, however botox treatment is still the gold standard for rejuvenating the upper third of the face. No other treatment has such potential – it not only alleviates wrinkles and mimicry, but also acts preventively on their formation, maintaining a youthful appearance and beauty.
Meet the enemy – facial wrinkles
Facial wrinkles are primarily characteristic of the upper third of the face . Oh no they are created by repetitive muscle movements and facial expressions – astonishment, frowning and laughing. Thus, for example the appearance of smile lines around the eyes, also known as “magpie legs”, is influenced by the movements of the eye muscles.
We started the procedure by examining Biljana’s face, first in a state of rest when the muscles are relaxed. On the upper and central part of the forehead, horizontal wrinkles caused by the work of the muscles of the forehead – frontalis are noticeable, whose strong activity is evidenced by the high arch of her eyebrows. However, her eyebrows are over time, they became asymmetrical and lowered in the outer part due to loss of fat tissue and weakened muscle tone. The drooping of the eyebrows also affected the slight drooping of the eyelids, both of which contributed to the sad and tired look of her eyes.

The upper third of the face. Examination of the patient’s face at rest.
When examining the face in motion, we asked Biljana to frown, smile a lot and raise her eyebrows high. They became noticeable with a frown wrinkles between the eyebrows known as frown lines, and laughing caused wrinkles around the eyes– smileys. As we can see in the previous picture, these wrinkles are much less pronounced at rest. However, because the fact that they become deeper with time and that they affect the expression of the face, which takes on an angry, frowning and older look, it is necessary that these areas are also treated with Botox.

The upper third of the face. Examination of the patient’s face during movement: 1. Frowning lines 2. Wrinkles on the forehead 3. Wrinkles around the eyes.
Botox injection into certain parts of the muscles of the forehead and around the eyes leads to their relaxation and temporary “falling asleep”, so that they do not spasm or wrinkle the skin when moving. When botox starts working 2 to 4 days after the treatment, the skin becomes smooth and wrinkles are softened or completely removed.
But this is not the only effect of Botox! We also use Botox to correct facial asymmetries – for example. eyebrow asymmetry as in Biljana’s case. With this, we achieve improved harmony and symmetry, and the face becomes more attractive.
Before and after Botox – the result

Two weeks after the Botox treatment, Biljana came for a regular check-up. Her face looked younger, more rested and contented. That’s exactly how she felt. The wrinkles on the forehead and the area around the eyes disappeared and Biljana could not frown even if she wanted to. Slightly raised eyebrows and eyelids opened up the view, and the effect of corrected eyebrow asymmetry made the facial expression more harmonious and attractive.
We sent Biljana away, pointing out another effect of Botox. A permanent smile of satisfaction is something that adorns every patient who leaves our office after this type of treatment. It was the same with Biljana. After all, it’s a fair trade. You give us your wrinkles and stress, and we give you pleasure and smiles!
Price and additional information?
If you want to remove mimic wrinkles from the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes and are interested in the treatment and results achieved with Botox, schedule a consultation by calling 060/345-0304. You can check the price list here.
About the treatment: