HYPERHIDROSIS. Increased sweating is safely, effectively and quickly solved in our office with Botox therapy.
Sweating is an integral part of the normal functioning of the body and our life. It represents one of the main ways of regulating body temperature. We carelessly choose our favorite deodorant and antiperspirant scent that we apply after showering and don’t think about it until the next shower or bath. But there are those who constantly think about sweating, because excessive sweating, wet circles on clothes in the armpit area, avoiding shaking hands due to wet palms and constant unpleasant odors significantly affect self-esteem, mental state and socialization.
By analyzing this problem, doctors came to the conclusion that about 3% of the world’s population has the problem of excessive sweating. Doctors in our office successfully reduce this percentage with treatments that change the quality of life of our patients.
If you have tried all the recommended ways of eating, different hygiene products, deodorants and antiperspirants, and the wet circles on your clothes still leave a mark regardless of the season, it is time to use an effective treatment to solve this problem in just a few minutes.

What is hyperhidrosis?
Excessive sweating is also knows as hyperhidrosis. Sweating under normal conditions is caused by physical activity, factors of the external environment or under the influence of emotions, but in excessive sweating, the increased work of the sweat glands appears independently of these factors. Hyperhidrosis means sweating to a greater extent than is necessary to regulate body temperature.
It is important to note that there are two types of hyperhidrosis:
- Primary – which is not the result of other diseases, but by itself,
- Secondary – when it appears as a result of diseases such as infections, systemic diseases or malignant diseases.
Primary hyperhidrosis can be generalized, when it involves increased sweating of the whole body, or more often localized, i.e. excessive sweating of the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis), increased sweating of the palms or increased sweating of the feet.
Hyperhidrosis – what are the symptoms?
If you are wondering if you have hyperhidosis, excessive sweating, these are the items that will help you recognize the answer:
- Frequent and noticeable sweating that breaks through clothes where wet spots appear,
- Increased sweating of the feet and under the armpits,
- Excessive sweating of the palms with drops of sweat and a moist feeling of the palms,
- You notice that you sweat more than other people,
- Other family members also have the problem of excessive sweating.
If you recognize yourself in at least two of these listed items, it is hyperhidrosis, but don’t worry, there is an effective solution!
How to effectively prevent increased sweating?
Unlike other conditions, in the case of excessive sweating, it is not necessary to conduct special tests, because the condition is obvious both to the patient and to the doctor.
It is important to first schedule a consultation where the specialist doctor will clearly ask questions such as: do sweat stains appear on clothes and when you are resting, that is, when you are not engaged in physical activity and when you have not been exposed to high temperatures or during particularly stressful periods and emotional situations.
The doctor’s recommendation is to use additional analyzes to determine whether there is a cause of other diseases that can cause excessive sweating, and how adequate therapy has been carried out.
Depending on your condition, your doctor will recommend one of the following therapies to regulate increased sweating:
- Strong antiperspirants,
- Medicines that act to reduce the work of sweat glands,
- Botox treatment against excessive sweating,
- Although it is rarely recommended, there is also an operative, surgical solution to hyperhidrosis.
A cure for excessive and increased sweating?
The method that has proven to be the most successful in practice is Botox treatment against excessive sweating. With this treatment, a problem that has been bothering our patients for years is solved in a few minutes.

How does botox work?
By injecting botox in precise places, the nerves that activate the sweat glands are blocked, thus preventing excessive sweating.
what does botox treatment look like?
A local anesthetic in the form of a cream is applied to the skin so that the treatment is not painful, and then botox is injected under the surface of the skin with microneedles. The treatment itself lasts only a few minutes. Best of all, it requires no recovery period.
How many Botox treatments are needed?
The best thing is that the effects are visible after just one treatment, so one Botox treatment is quite enough. The effects of hyperhidrosis treatment with Botox last for about six months, so two treatments a year are recommended in order for the result to be constant.
How long does the Botox effect last in armpit area
The effect of preventing excessive sweating with Botox lasts for about 6 months, so it is recommended to repeat the treatment in that period. Twice a year is the doctor’s recommendation for the complete regulation of hyperhidrosis, although we have to mention that certain patients do Botox treatment once a year. Usually before summer when excessive sweating appears the most.
Does botox have the same effect on excessive sweating of palms, feet etc?
The results of Botox treatment for increased and excessive sweating of the palms and soles are somewhat more modest compared to underarm Botox. With increased sweating of the hands and feet, we achieve a reduction of sweating by about 70%.
Side effects?
Botox is a completely safe and secure treatment against increased sweating. Adverse reactions are very rare and may occur in the form of temporary irritation of hypersensitive skin and a small bruise in the area of the injection that disappears after a few days.
Deodorants after hyperhidrosis treatment?
An important doctor’s advice after Botox treatment against hyperhidrosis that you must follow is not to use deodorants, antiperspirants and other antiperspirants for 24 hours. After 24 hours, choose any deodorant you like, which you can use as if you never had the problem of excessive sweating.
price and additional questions?
You can check the price of botox treatment against hyperhidrosis by clicking on the LINK. If you have additional questions or any doubt related to Botox treatment against hyperhidrosis, call us at 060/345-0304 .
You can see the price of botox treatment against hyperhidrosis by clicking on the LINK.