Stretch marks are undoubtedly a big aesthetic problem, and the longer we wait, the harder it is to remove them. However, there are very effective methods for removing them. Laser removal of stretch marks, carboxytherapy, dermapen, chemical peeling are some of the options.
Stretch marks are persistent, and once they appear on the skin, they are really hard to remove. Reddish, purple or white, they can appear on almost any part of the body, in women and men alike. They are definitely one of the biggest enemies of beautiful and healthy skin. If all your attempts to remove them have been unsuccessful so far, do not despair. In our practice, we solve the problem of stretch marks with great success.

What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks could most simply be defined as permanent scars that result from sudden stretching of the skin and its reduced elasticity.
Most often, they appear precisely on those parts of the skin that are most prone to stretching: on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, breasts. However, they can also appear on the hands, most often on the upper arms, legs, back. Along with cellulite, stretch marks are certainly one of the biggest aesthetic problems on the skin.
Stretch marks are atrophic scars on the skin and look like lines that stretch unevenly. They can be longer or shorter, thinner or thicker, red, white or purple. Atrophic scars can occur as a result of acne or stretch marks and they typically appear below the level of the surrounding skin. Therefore, they look like furrows or stripes on the skin.
How are stretch marks formed?
Stretch marks occur in the central part of the skin, the so-called dermis. This layer has the function of helping the skin to maintain its shape and elasticity. However, when the dermis is stretched, the elastic fibers in the central part of the skin break. This causes permanent damage to the surface of the skin. Stretch marks appear, and they, like other types of scars, do not contain elastin. Parts of the skin that have scars therefore no longer have the function to regenerate independently. Therefore, once they appear, stretch marks will stay there forever. Of course, if we don’t do something to remove them.
Types of stretch marks
We believe that we all know how stretch marks manifest. These are furrows, lines on the skin, different depths and widths, different lengths and colors. Their appearance and color vary depending on whether they are fresh or have been present on the skin for a long time.
- Red, pinkish to purple stretch marks are the ones that just appear. Due to cracking, tightening of the skin and its damage, side effects may include a pronounced itching or burning sensation;
- White stretch marks are those that are mature, gradually leveling off with the surface of the skin. In the end, these changes are several shades lighter than the natural skin color. Therefore, they are very visible and easy to notice.
What causes stretch marks?
The risk of the appearance and development of stretch marks largely depends on the quality and type of skin, genetics, lifestyle, and diet. Sudden fluctuations in weight, weight gain, but also weight loss, as well as the influence of certain hormones, most often lead to these changes in the body. Although they more often affect women, stretch marks are also common in men, especially in people who tend to gain weight. The most common causes of the development of stretch marks can be:
Sudden weight gain and weight loss , large fluctuations in weight, will lead to stretching of the skin and breaking of elastic fibers. This will result in stretch marks.
Puberty is the period when the first major hormonal changes occur in life, and then the first stretch marks can appear. Due to rapid growth and the influence of hormones, about 40 to 50% of boys and about 70% of girls get stretch marks during puberty.
Pregnancy is a period full of challenges for every woman. One of the side effects that is symptomatic of another condition is definitely stretch marks. As many as 70 to 90 percent of pregnant women face the appearance of stretch marks (striae gravidarum) , most often at the end of the second trimester when the skin begins to expand suddenly. They most often appear on those parts of the body where a large amount of fatty tissue accumulates, in the area of the stomach, thighs, thighs, buttocks, chest. In some women, larger areas of the skin may be affected, while in other pregnant women, they appear only on certain parts of the body.
Certain health and pathological conditions that lead to the loss of elastin and collagen in the skin can also have an impact on the development of stretch marks. One such condition is Cushing’s syndrome , which causes glucocorticoid levels to increase. Namely, this type of hormone can block collagen synthesis in fibroblasts and lead to epidermal damage.
Increased use of corticosteroids, including the aforementioned glucocorticoid, increases the risk of stretch marks. Corticosteroids reduce the concentration of collagen, which is among the most responsible for the elasticity and suppleness of the skin.
Bodybuilding can also be one of the causes of stretch marks. The most common in this sport are men who experience a sudden increase in muscle mass. When the muscle overcomes the skin’s ability to stretch, stretch marks appear. In this case, they most often appear on the chest, shoulders, arms, back.
Can creams and products remove stretch marks?
All those who have stretch marks, have probably tried to remove them or at least soften them with different creams, products, salves. However, such methods hardly give results. Why? As we explained, stretch marks are scars on the skin that are caused by the stretching of the skin. Elastic fibers break, and the places on the skin where stretch marks appear no longer have elastin and there are changes in the collagen structure. Unfortunately, when this happens, stretch marks remain permanently on the skin.
That is why it is necessary to apply treatments that will work below the surface of the skin and return it to its original structure. Creams that are applied to the surface of the skin may work to some extent to soften fresh, young stretch marks. Those that have been there for years and have become an integral part of our skin, need to be treated with effective methods that will really give results.
Laser removal for CO2 laser
One of the currently most effective methods by which we can eliminate and soften stretch marks is using the latest generation Candela CO2 laser. With laser treatment of stretch marks, as well as other types of scars, we achieve the best, long-term results.
Candela CO2 is a fractional laser, intended for the removal of stretch marks, but also acne, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. It represents the gold standard in this field, as it is the first fully integrated laser that provides faster results with a shorter recovery period. The laser works by heating the deeper layers of the skin, destroying damaged tissue and stimulating the growth of new, healthy tissue. The production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, the depth of stretch marks decreases and they become less visible. The skin is smooth, tight, of better quality.
WHY IS Candela CO2 a great solution for removing stretch marks?
It is a medical fractionated laser that allows us to treat the superficial, middle and deep layers of the skin very precisely and efficiently. At the same time, the surrounding, healthy tissue remains intact. This laser works by first performing a so-called ablative treatment. This means that it first removes the thin, top layer of damaged skin, exposing healthy, fresh skin. Then, the fractional laser creates microchannels in the deeper layers of the skin and by heating the tissue it stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and new skin cells.
The Candela CO2 laser penetrates to the desired depth of the damaged dermis and acts exclusively on the damaged skin. Healthy tissue remains intact and this allows faster healing of the skin, as well as faster recovery. This laser is special in that it emits radiation with a wavelength of 10,600 nm. Each individual pulse of the laser enables the evaporation of microscopic parts of the skin in its middle layers. These micro-damages promote collagen synthesis and remodeling.
Most importantly, the Candela CO2 laser treatment is gentle on the skin, safe and comfortable for the patient. During the treatment, you may feel a slight burning sensation, but by applying anesthetic before the procedure, we will make the treatment as comfortable and painless as possible. Possible side effects are redness, itching, slight swelling during the next few days. Peeling of the skin can last from 7 to 10 days, which is a natural exfoliation process.
Our recommendation is to treat stretch marks as soon as they appear, because then their treatment will be much faster and easier. The best effects are achieved when treating red, young stretch marks. Then the efficiency of the laser can be up to 90%. When treating mature, white stretch marks, they can be reduced by up to 70%.
Most often, it is necessary to perform one to three treatments, depending on the type of stretch marks, their thickness, depth in the skin. The interval between treatments is at least 2 months.

HARMONY XL PRO laser for stretch mark
The unique Harmony XL Pro platform gives us the ability to combine different types of lasers and technologies, which contribute to the reduction and in some cases, complete removal of stretch marks.
Clearlift Q-Switched Nd:Yag is a non-ablative laser that can be used to remove stretch marks year-round. Using short pulses of high energy, it reaches the deepest layers of the skin and stimulates its natural regeneration by creating collagen. By increasing collagen and elastin fibers, the skin becomes stronger and denser – and stretch marks become less noticeable. Read all the details about the Clearlift laser by clicking on the link.
Harmony IPixel Er:YAG laser
Another laser method that effectively removes particularly shallow stretch marks is the fractional ablative IPixel Er:YAG laser. Laser rays create controlled microdamages on the skin. This leads to intensive production of collagen and elastin, which begin to fill the scar tissue.
Harmony Dye VL
DYE VL light therapy treats problems in the superficial layers of the skin in several ways. It removes pigment (melanin and hemoglobin), eliminates smaller blood vessels, which makes the skin tone even. Then, it stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, which improves and strengthens the texture of the skin, making stretch marks less visible. It is especially used for milder, reddish and purple stretch marks. Learn more about DYE VL laser treatment here.
Morpheus 8 for stretch marks
Morpheus 8 radio wave device with needles, penetrates deep into the subcutaneous tissue where it reduces less localized fat deposits, cellulite and tightens the skin. Excellent results are achieved after only 3 treatments. Find out everything about the Morpheus 8 device on a separate page here.

Chemical peels for stretch marks
To remove stretch marks, medium-deep chemical peels are most often used, which are intended to solve severe skin problems, such as stretch marks, acne, and photodamage. Acid solutions penetrate into the middle layers of the skin, increasing its elasticity and stimulating self-renewal. Recovery involves peeling and redness of the skin that lasts up to 10 days, and the result is extremely rejuvenated and renewed skin.
One of the most effective chemical peels for reducing stretch marks is the TCA peel, which is performed with trichloroacetic acid. For optimal results, it is usually necessary to do a series of 3 or 4 TCA peels, spaced one month apart.
You can read all about the effects and treatment of peelings on the page Chemical peeling.
Can we prevent stretch marks?
It is clear to us that prevention is the best medicine. However, the formation of stretch marks is, unfortunately, very difficult to prevent. If we have genetic predispositions for their development, we go through weight fluctuations or hormonal changes, it is possible that stretch marks on our skin will be the result.
However, there is always something we can do to stay one step ahead and possibly prevent stretch marks from appearing.
- We try to ensure that the skin is always sufficiently hydrated, and we will achieve this by taking in enough water and using products for deep hydration of the skin. Hydrated skin is more elastic, supple, so it won’t crack so easily;
- As pregnant women are especially prone to stretch marks, it is important to take care of their skin. All problem areas on the body should be smeared daily with nourishing creams containing vitamins A and E or natural oils such as coconut or olive;
- Food rich in vitamins E, C and zinc will contribute to making the skin more supple, more beautiful and less susceptible to damage;
- Too salty, spicy food, sweets, sweet juices should be avoided;
- Applying peeling once every two weeks will improve the circulation of the skin, it will be softer and gentler.
price and additional questions
Check the prices of stretch mark removal treatments HERE. If you have additional questions and doubts related to the removal of stretch marks or want to schedule your treatment, feel free to call us at 060/345-0304 or write to us at , our professional staff has answers to all your questions. We are waiting for you!