Hyperpigmentation on the skin appears as a result of various changes and skin disorders. Whether they are in the form of small freckles or dark spots, they represent a major aesthetic problem. Removal of hyperpigmentation, spots and freckles in our office is simple and painless, with chemical peels, ablative and non-ablative lasers.

What is hyperpigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation appears when the skin begins to darken due to various external or internal influences. The reason for this is the excessive production of melanin pigment.
Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, and this pigment gives our skin its color. When in certain cases there is an accumulation of melanin in larger quantities, it will result in the appearance of pigmentation, freckles and spots.
Hyperpigmentation very often appears precisely on visible parts of the body, face, décolletage, hands. Then they present a special problem because they are very difficult to hide. The cause of such pigmentation is usually excessive exposure to harmful solar radiation. Dark spots or spots on the skin can be of different colors, shapes and sizes and are located in the plane of the skin. Sometimes they are small freckles, which can even be cute. In other cases, hyperpigmentation can occupy the entire forehead, cheeks or other parts of the body.
How do we distinguish them by color?
- Their color varies from yellow, light brown to black,
- Red spots on the skin can also occur, as a result of various inflammations or hormonal disorders,
- Yellow spots on the face are most often the result of various diseases, such as liver or thyroid diseases.
What is hypopigmentation?
The opposite of hyperpigmentation is hypopigmentation. When we do not have enough melanin in the skin, it loses this pigment. In such cases, light spots appear on the skin. It can also be vitiligo , an autoimmune skin disease that appears in the form of white, uneven spots on the body and face.
Types of hyperpigmentation
The most common types of hyperpigmentation are sun spots, age spots, melasma and age spots.
Sunspots (photodamage)
Sun spots, as the name suggests, are caused by excessive and careless exposure to harmful solar radiation. Sunbathing in a solarium has the same consequences. They mostly appear on the face, hands, arms, décolletage and other parts of the body that are exposed to the sun.
Elder freckles
Age spots or solar lentigo appear as a consequence of the natural aging process of the skin. These freckles are a direct consequence of skin photoaging and harmful UV radiation that the skin has been exposed to for years.
Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation that most often affects women and is caused by various hormonal changes. We also call it chloasma or “pregnancy mask” precisely because it affects as many as 90 percent of pregnant women. These dark, brown spots appear on both old faces, symmetrically, mostly on the forehead, cheeks, chin and around the upper lip. Read more about melasma and melasma removal treatments here.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can appear after various skin injuries or traumas, cuts, burns. Different discolorations on the face can be a consequence of eczema, acne and pimples treatment, especially after treating acne scars.
The most effective treatments
We treat all types of hyperpigmentation in our office simply, comfortably and painlessly. We achieve excellent results, thanks to modern and effective treatments and top-quality products that we use to treat hyperpigmentation on the skin.
CO2 laser for hyperpigmentation
We perform laser treatments for the removal of hyperpigmentation by using specific beams of laser light to target damaged, darkened parts of the skin. For this purpose, we use the state-of-the-art Candela CO2 laser.
How does the CO2 laser work on hyperpigmentation?
The CO2 laser is the gold standard in the process of skin rejuvenation , tightening, but also in the removal of scars, stretch marks and hyperpigmentation. When we talk specifically about the treatment of dark spots on the skin, the CO2 laser will help us achieve the desired results quickly, simply and painlessly.
Candela CO2 is the first, fully integrated laser that targets and effectively treats various skin changes with great precision. The most important thing is that the surrounding, healthy tissue remains intact. With this laser, we remove skin damage from the sun (photodamage), age spots, scars and acne spots, as well as other types of dark spots.
What effects do we achieve?
The CO2 laser stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, the skin regenerates faster, is more elastic and more beautiful. The laser is gentle on the patient’s skin, and the treatment itself is more comfortable and safer compared to other traditional lasers. The recovery period is significantly shortened. After the treatment itself, the skin looks like it has sunburn, the next day it darkens slightly and becomes drier, and then it starts to peel and flake. About 5. day, all symptoms slowly disappear. A week after the treatment, the peeling of the skin is over, and by the tenth day, the redness is usually completely gone.
When will I see the results?
After the laser treatment, the skin will be softer, and the pigmentation will be less visible. The Candela CO2 laser stimulates the creation of new collagen and elastin, so the skin will regenerate week after week. One or two treatments with the Candela CO2 laser give results that other lasers only achieve after 4 to 6 treatments. Find out everything you need to know about the CO2 laser here.

alma harmony xl pro platform
The Harmony XL PRO platform, which combines numerous probes, offers three excellent options for treating hyperpigmentation: the non-ablative Q-Switched Nd:Yag laser, the ablative iPixel Er:YAG laser, and the DYE VL phototherapy probe. They are characterized by high safety and can be used on the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body.
ClearLift Q-switched Nd:yag
ClearLift is one of the most popular treatments of the Harmony XL PRO platform. It is also known as the “Lunchtime treatment” because it can be performed almost “during the lunch break”, due to its speed and effectiveness. With this laser, in addition to hyperpigmentation, we also solve other skin problems, including wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, photodamage, melasma, and uneven skin texture.
Clearlift Q-Switched Nd:Yag is a non-ablative laser, which means that its rays penetrate to the middle layer of the skin (dermis) , while leaving the upper layer of the skin (epidermis) intact. Using photoacoustic waves, ClearLift breaks down melanin pigment accumulations, the skin gradually fades and becomes even-toned. In addition, it stimulates the creation of collagen fibers, which makes the skin firmer, tighter and younger looking. Therefore, if you have mature skin with pigmentation, this laser will not only remove unwanted spots, but will also rejuvenate your skin. After treatment with this laser, which lasts about 30 minutes, there is no flaking or redness, and there is no recovery time. Best of all – the treatment can be performed throughout the year!
iPixel Er:YAG laser
Unlike the above-mentioned Clearlift laser, iPixel Er:YAG is a fractional ablative laser with which we also treat the upper layers of the skin. With this laser, pixel-sized microchannels are created on the skin, while the surrounding tissue remains undamaged, and the recovery process is shorter than with traditional ablative lasers. Since it penetrates from the superficial to the deepest layers of the skin, the iPixel laser effectively removes shallow wrinkles and lines, reduces enlarged pores, tightens the skin and removes photodamage in the form of hyperpigmentation. Controlled ablation of the skin encourages its natural regenerative processes, stimulating the production of collagen, which ultimately creates new skin cells that are firmer, more even-toned and more elastic.
The iPixel treatment lasts only about 20 minutes and is quite comfortable for patients, because before the treatment we apply an anesthetic cream to the skin. After the treatment, you can expect redness, mild swelling, flaking, and recovery takes about 6 to 7 days. The first results are visible after about 10 days, while the appearance, texture and tone of the skin will continue to improve over the next 4-6 weeks. Treatments with the iPixel laser are performed during autumn, until early spring in order to avoid photodamage to the new, “young” skin.
Harmony Dye VL PRO
When it comes to hyperpigmentation, which in addition to dark spots from the melanin pigment, also contain reddish spots from hemoglobin, DYE VL phototherapy is the right choice for their removal. This module uses modern light IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology, whose rays remove accumulations of pigmentation, vascular lesions, as well as capillaries.
The treatment lasts about 30 minutes and is almost painless. The first results start to be seen after about 10 days. Namely, after the treatment, the spots usually look darker for 3-7 days. After that, the hyperpigmentation will become lighter and over time the skin tone and texture will even out. Dye VL treatment is performed during autumn, winter and early spring. Learn more about DYE VL laser treatment here.

TCA peeling for hyperpigmentation
Peeling with trichloroacetic acid, better known as TCA peeling, as a form of chemical peeling, gives excellent results in removing hyperpigmentation. Especially when we talk about age spots and melasma. In the case of less pronounced hyperpigmentation, often only one TCA peel is enough to eliminate them completely. TCA peeling is a very effective and non-invasive medical procedure. It involves removing the surface layer of the skin, which releases new, healthy skin. After TCA peeling, the complexion is even, the skin has a better texture, more elastic. We perform TCA peeling from October to the end of March, when the UV radiation is the weakest. This is important in order to avoid the appearance of new spots and pigmentation on the skin. Depending on the degree and intensity of hyperpigmentation, different solutions of trichloroacetic acid are used, in concentrations from 15 to 80%.
What results do we achieve?
Even after the first treatment, the spots were reduced by up to 50%. After two to three treatments, even the strongest hyperpigmentation was completely eliminated. The treatment lasts about 45 minutes, and the recovery takes about seven days. Find out all the details about TCA peeling here.
Chemical peels for hyperpigmentation
Apart from TCA peeling, we can also remove hyperpigmentation with other, different chemical peels. Chemical peeling is a natural and painless procedure, it will refresh, regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. With exfoliation, we remove its superficial, damaged layer and younger, healthier skin is released. Growth factors, cytokines and collagen synthesis are released, which accelerates skin recovery and regeneration.
The treatment begins with a thorough cleansing of the face, and then we apply an acid that works for about ten minutes. After removing the acid, we apply a protective cream to the skin and the patient returns to his activities. Depending on the intensity of the pigmentation, it is determined which acid will give the best results in that case.
What types of acids do we use?
Any chemical peel is a medical procedure and therefore it is important that it is performed exclusively by trained and experienced doctors. Surface peels can be done throughout the year, while medium and deep peels are performed during autumn and winter. To remove hyperpigmentation, two to three deep peelings or three to five medium-depth peelings are usually necessary. During the exfoliation, you may feel only a slight burning and tightening of the skin, which is tolerable. For the purpose of removing pigmentation, we usually choose one of these acids.
Kojic acid
This acid is found in many cosmetic products that are used specifically for skin whitening. Kojic acid has the property of blocking the production of melanin and thus prevents the occurrence of hyperpigmentation. It also has an antioxidant effect, so it reduces the effects that can occur on the skin due to pollution and UV radiation.
Pyruvic acid
Grape or pyruvic acid removes signs of photoaging and pigmentation. We perform medium-deep peeling with this acid, which restores collagen and elastin and renews the cells of the middle layer of the skin.
Milk acid
It can be used on all skin types, including sensitive skin. It does not cause redness or irritation and we use it for surface peelings. This acid can effectively remove melasma because it blocks the enzymes responsible for melanin production. It can also be used in combination with other acids.
Azelaic acid
It is used to lighten moderate hyperpigmentation, does not irritate the skin and contains antioxidants. Azelaic acid lightens existing blemishes. At the same time, it prevents the excessive production of melanin, thus preventing the formation of spots and freckles.
Citric acid
Citric or citric acid is most often used in case of photodamage to the skin. Evens out complexion and texture, but is not recommended for sensitive and allergy-prone skin.
Ferulic acid
It is also known as hydroxycinnamic acid. It is effective in preventing signs of aging, but also protects the skin from ultraviolet rays and the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
Tranexamic acid
This acid is suitable for all skin types. It is effective in removing pigmentation, whitening the skin and reducing melasma.
Melanostop peeling for hyperpigmentation
Among the products we use is Melanostop peeling (signed by Mesoestetic, one of the leading brands in the field of medical cosmetics), which is intended for the treatment of melasma and hyperpigmentation. With this peel, we treat sun spots, age spots, but also lifeless, dry skin with an uneven complexion. It contains active ingredients such as resorcinol, azelaic, tranexamic and phytic acid, which prevent the hyperproduction of melanin and lighten the skin. You can find out more about Melanostop peeling treatment here.
How to prevent hyperpigmentation?
The skin is our largest organ, it is in contact with all external influences. That’s why we have to give her maximum attention and give her the best possible care. There are several effective ways to protect your skin and avoid hyperpigmentation.
- Protection from the sun, always and everywhere, is the most important if we want to prevent premature aging of the skin and the appearance of pigmentation. During the summer months, you should avoid sunbathing during the period when radiation is most dangerous. Sun protective clothing, a hat and high SPF creams are a must.
- Do not go to the solarium!
- Even when it’s cloudy, the skin needs proper protection to prevent pigmentation.
- Be aware of the ingredients in the care products you use every day. Some of them can lighten the skin or cause dark spots to appear.
additional questions and prices
The prices for hyperpigmentation removal depend on the treatment we perform, so it is best to take a detailed look at the Pricelist page. For any additional questions, call us at 060/345-0304 or write to us at estetikabgd@gmail.com.