Cellulite is a persistent aesthetic problem that affects as many as 90 percent of women, but men are not spared either. That’s why we keep asking the same question: how can we get rid of it in the most efficient way? The revolutionary Alma PrimeX and our unique anti-cellulite protocols will make cellulite disappear from your skin.

What is cellulite?
If we asked 100 women what their biggest aesthetic skin problem is, surely 90 of them would answer the same: cellulite! And indeed, along with stretch marks , cellulite is the number one problem to which even women of the most perfect proportions and build are not immune. Even those who are convinced they don’t have it, when they lightly pinch the skin with their fingers, are surprised to see it. The famous “orange peel”, as we also call it, affects everyone, regardless of weight, age… Cellulite to a lesser or greater extent can be experienced by both very thin and obese people, models, athletes. The famous model and actress Cara del Toro has publicly admitted that she has cellulite, that she is not ashamed of it and that she does not think of Photoshopping it.
Certainly, cellulite is not something to be ashamed of, to hide on the beach and to be afraid to wear a short skirt. However, most women who have it feel exactly that way. Especially those women who have stubborn cellulite that is easily noticeable. Their self-confidence is shaken by cellulite on their thighs, stomach or thighs. The question is: how can we get rid of it forever? Cellulite really doesn’t look pretty or attractive at all, we all know that.
And do we know what cellulite actually is?
First of all, it is important to emphasize that cellulite is not a health-threatening condition, but rather a cosmetic, aesthetic problem on the skin. Cellulite consists of fat deposits, toxins and harmful substances that accumulate under the skin. Although it appears under the skin, cellulite is very visible on its surface in the form of bumps, nodules, bulges, and depressions. The connective tissue in those places has thickened, is deformed, and small or large lumps appear. Cellulite most often appears on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, hips, calves, and upper arms. Even men are not immune to the appearance of cellulite, and it most often appears in the stomach area.
Why does cellulite appear?
Cellulite can occur both in the young and in the elderly. Girls under the age of 20 have it, as well as women in their mature years. There are several key factors that can lead to the appearance of cellulite:
- Genetic predispositions can play a role in the development of cellulite;
- Insufficient water intake is one of the main causes of cellulite. Weak hydration of the body will also mean a lack of elasticity of the skin, so it will stretch and crack more easily, cellulite and stretch marks will form.
- Hormonal status;
- Poor nutrition, intake of harmful substances in the body, consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, sooner or later will leave a mark on the skin in the form of cellulite and fatty deposits;
- Insufficient or no physical activity, sitting a lot, not moving, these are all factors that lead to the appearance of cellulite;
- Indigestion, constipation, stress, poor circulation, wearing tight clothes.
So, it seems that the style and lifestyle of each individual is responsible for whether they will have cellulite or not.

Types of cellulite
When we look at it on the skin, it doesn’t matter what type of cellulite it is. We just wish we could use some magic trick to erase it. However, we distinguish several types.
Water cellulite
This cellulite is visible to the naked eye, we don’t have to press the skin to see it. Most often, it is the result of water retention in the body, poor circulation or the result of sitting too much.
Adipose cellulite
We can only notice it when we pinch the skin, it is soft to the touch. In most cases, it appears as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, and poor movement.
Fibrous cellulite
This cellulite is the most persistent, which is visible as soon as we look at the skin. It is hard to the touch, can even hurt and is very difficult to eliminate.
However, whatever type we are talking about, one thing is certain – we successfully treat all types of cellulite in our office. We have prepared for you effective anti-cellulite treatments and unique protocols that are proven to solve this problem.
Treatments for effective cellulite removal
Proper skin care, hydration, massages, balanced diet, exercise – all of the above can help prevent the appearance of cellulite or soften the one that has already formed. However, there are no creams, oils or anything similar that will permanently remove orange peel at home.
Precisely because we know how important it is for women to have beautiful, toned, well-groomed skin, we have developed unique protocols and combinations of treatments that will permanently eliminate stubborn cellulite. And in the following ways:
- Using the revolutionary Alma PrimeX device
- A unique anti-cellulite protocol that includes various combinations of Shockwave therapy, lymphatic drainage, electrostimulation and mesotherapy. With their help, we stimulate circulation, speed up cell metabolism and break down fat deposits, and the skin becomes tight.
After consultation with our expert team, a treatment or protocol is chosen that will give optimal results in each specific case.
Alma PrimeX for cellulite removal
The revolutionary Alma PrimeX machine is the last word in technology when it comes to slimming, shaping and tightening the body. You will be pleased that it is particularly effective in the area of the stomach, thighs or waist, precisely in those places where cellulite accumulates the most!
How does Alma PrimeX work?
Best of all, this device gives fantastic results in just 4 weeks. It achieves this through a combination of ultrasound and radio wave technology. Safe, without side effects, completely painless and non-invasive!
- Radio waves heat the skin, tighten it and stimulate the formation of new collagen;
- Ultrasound waves break down fat cells and thus reduce fat deposits.
How many Alma PrimeX treatments do I need?
What sets AlmaPrime X apart from other, similar devices is that it allows the patient to choose a program that meets exactly his needs. We can offer you three different combinations of treatments:
PrimeX Classic
Using non-invasive ultrasound technology, this treatment allows you to lose up to 9 cm in waist circumference in one month. It is necessary to do four treatments of 20 minutes each, once a week.
PrimeX Premium
This treatment reduces cellulite, tightens the skin and effectively shapes the body. The use of radiofrequency waves targets the accumulated fat, improves circulation and improves the elasticity of the skin. We do three treatments of 40 minutes, with repetition every 7 to 14 days.
PrimeX Pro
With the combination of UltraWave and Xcentuate applicators, we target stubborn cellulite, reduce body girth and tighten sagging skin. All that, for just three treatments of 10 to 20 minutes, with an interval of 7 to 14 days.
You can find out all the details about Alma PrimeX here.
Anti-cellulite treatments: Shockwave, EMS, lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy
Long-term experience in the field of dermatology and aesthetic medicine has enabled us to develop unique combinations of anti- cellulite treatments that achieve maximum results in the elimination of cellulite. We can apply the treatments separately or combine them. The number of treatments, the combination of treatments and their repetition will depend on the needs of the patient. First, we will explain what each of these treatments is and how it works.
Shockwave therapy
It is about acoustic wave therapy, which is one of the most effective techniques for removing cellulite. The waves of the unique device BTL-6000 SWT Heat penetrate deep into the skin, up to the fibrous tissue that forms around the connective tissue. They work powerfully, breaking down fat cells and hardened fibers. At the same time, they eliminate fats, excess water and excess water and toxins from cells, and they act on the creation of new collagen. Shockwave waves produce vibration of the connective tissue and cause it to stretch and increase elasticity. In 90% of cases, the increase in skin elasticity continues, even up to three months after the end of the treatment. Most often, it is necessary to perform 6 to 12 treatments in order to achieve long-term effects in the treatment of cellulite. The treatment lasts about 30 minutes, and a significant improvement is observed after 3 or 4 treatments.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Electrical impulses stimulate targeted muscle groups. In this way, muscle tone is raised, and the body is shaped and tightened. We achieve the same effect as if you spent hours and hours running or in the gym. One treatment lasts about 30 minutes.
Lymph drainage
Also known as pressotherapy, this treatment detoxifies the entire body, reduces bloating and eliminates cellulite. The treatment looks like the patient wears a special suit that is connected to a device that drains certain points on the body. In this way, the lymph nodes are stimulated and activated, and a vibrating massage is performed at the same time. The body expels harmful substances, accumulated fluid, circulation is stimulated and the muscles completely relax. The treatment lasts from 20 to 50 minutes, it can be done once or twice a week, depending on the indications and the doctor’s recommendation. Find out everything about lymphatic drainage here.

Can we prevent cellulite?
Of course, prevention is the most important when it comes to skin care and health. There are several important items that will help us to prevent the appearance of cellulite to some extent or at least to prevent its further spread:
- Drink enough water, the recommendation is about two liters a day. Avoid juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
- Try to make your diet varied and balanced, without very salty, spicy and hot foods;
- Exercise regularly, it will help to strengthen the connective tissue and muscles;
- Take a shower alternately with cold and warm water, this way you will stimulate circulation;
- Nourish the body with moisturizing products;
- Occasional massages are great for circulation.

prices and additional questions
The number and type of anti-cellulite treatment will depend on the type of cellulite, the affected area, and you will make the best plan in consultation with our experts. See the price list of all our services here. If you have additional questions or want to schedule your treatment, feel free to call us at 064/237-0707 or write to us at imedic.rs@gmail.com . We are waiting for you!